666 research outputs found

    Bias Reduction via End-to-End Shift Learning: Application to Citizen Science

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    Citizen science projects are successful at gathering rich datasets for various applications. However, the data collected by citizen scientists are often biased --- in particular, aligned more with the citizens' preferences than with scientific objectives. We propose the Shift Compensation Network (SCN), an end-to-end learning scheme which learns the shift from the scientific objectives to the biased data while compensating for the shift by re-weighting the training data. Applied to bird observational data from the citizen science project eBird, we demonstrate how SCN quantifies the data distribution shift and outperforms supervised learning models that do not address the data bias. Compared with competing models in the context of covariate shift, we further demonstrate the advantage of SCN in both its effectiveness and its capability of handling massive high-dimensional data

    XOR-Sampling for Network Design with Correlated Stochastic Events

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    Many network optimization problems can be formulated as stochastic network design problems in which edges are present or absent stochastically. Furthermore, protective actions can guarantee that edges will remain present. We consider the problem of finding the optimal protection strategy under a budget limit in order to maximize some connectivity measurements of the network. Previous approaches rely on the assumption that edges are independent. In this paper, we consider a more realistic setting where multiple edges are not independent due to natural disasters or regional events that make the states of multiple edges stochastically correlated. We use Markov Random Fields to model the correlation and define a new stochastic network design framework. We provide a novel algorithm based on Sample Average Approximation (SAA) coupled with a Gibbs or XOR sampler. The experimental results on real road network data show that the policies produced by SAA with the XOR sampler have higher quality and lower variance compared to SAA with Gibbs sampler.Comment: In Proceedings of the Twenty-sixth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-17). The first two authors contribute equall

    Multi-Entity Dependence Learning with Rich Context via Conditional Variational Auto-encoder

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    Multi-Entity Dependence Learning (MEDL) explores conditional correlations among multiple entities. The availability of rich contextual information requires a nimble learning scheme that tightly integrates with deep neural networks and has the ability to capture correlation structures among exponentially many outcomes. We propose MEDL_CVAE, which encodes a conditional multivariate distribution as a generating process. As a result, the variational lower bound of the joint likelihood can be optimized via a conditional variational auto-encoder and trained end-to-end on GPUs. Our MEDL_CVAE was motivated by two real-world applications in computational sustainability: one studies the spatial correlation among multiple bird species using the eBird data and the other models multi-dimensional landscape composition and human footprint in the Amazon rainforest with satellite images. We show that MEDL_CVAE captures rich dependency structures, scales better than previous methods, and further improves on the joint likelihood taking advantage of very large datasets that are beyond the capacity of previous methods.Comment: The first two authors contribute equall

    CLR-DRNets: Curriculum Learning with Restarts to Solve Visual Combinatorial Games

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    We introduce a curriculum learning framework for challenging tasks that require a combination of pattern recognition and combinatorial reasoning, such as single-player visual combinatorial games. Our work harnesses Deep Reasoning Nets (DRNets) [Chen et al., 2020], a framework that combines deep learning with constraint reasoning for unsupervised pattern demixing. We propose CLR-DRNets (pronounced Clear-DRNets), a curriculum-learning-with-restarts framework to boost the performance of DRNets. CLR-DRNets incrementally increase the difficulty of the training instances and use restarts, a new model selection method that selects multiple models from the same training trajectory to learn a set of diverse heuristics and apply them at inference time. An enhanced reasoning module is also proposed for CLR-DRNets to improve the ability of reasoning and generalize to unseen instances. We consider Visual Sudoku, i.e., Sudoku with hand-written digits or letters, and Visual Mixed Sudoku, a substantially more challenging task that requires the demixing and completion of two overlapping Visual Sudokus. We propose an enhanced reasoning module for the DRNets framework for encoding these visual games We show how CLR-DRNets considerably outperform DRNets and other approaches on these visual combinatorial games

    Graph Value Iteration

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    In recent years, deep Reinforcement Learning (RL) has been successful in various combinatorial search domains, such as two-player games and scientific discovery. However, directly applying deep RL in planning domains is still challenging. One major difficulty is that without a human-crafted heuristic function, reward signals remain zero unless the learning framework discovers any solution plan. Search space becomes \emph{exponentially larger} as the minimum length of plans grows, which is a serious limitation for planning instances with a minimum plan length of hundreds to thousands of steps. Previous learning frameworks that augment graph search with deep neural networks and extra generated subgoals have achieved success in various challenging planning domains. However, generating useful subgoals requires extensive domain knowledge. We propose a domain-independent method that augments graph search with graph value iteration to solve hard planning instances that are out of reach for domain-specialized solvers. In particular, instead of receiving learning signals only from discovered plans, our approach also learns from failed search attempts where no goal state has been reached. The graph value iteration component can exploit the graph structure of local search space and provide more informative learning signals. We also show how we use a curriculum strategy to smooth the learning process and perform a full analysis of how graph value iteration scales and enables learning
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